Sunday, January 4, 2015

A wild boar, and kuchen

We're back in Lübeck to recover from the holidays, but before I move on I wanted to share a couple more photos from Georg's farm. 

The speck you see to the right of the hunting stand here in the farm field is a WILD BOAR! No lie! We were just walking along, and this wild boar came running across the field! I nearly dropped my camera, it was so fun to see him. Unfortunately I didn't have a time to zoom in, but there he is, at any rate, running away from us as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. In the foreground, you can see his handiwork, looking for grubs and truffles. I'm probably kidding about the truffles. 

Later that afternoon, Maria invited us over for kuchen and kaffee. I got a few more photos of the inside of the house -- first the entry room from a different angle:

And my perspective from the sofa in the sitting room where we had our kaffee und tee:

Along with the beverages, Maria served the Berliners that the group had forgotten to eat the night before. A short while later, she brought out a platter of two kinds of kuchen: one nut, and one plum, and offered whipped cream for each, which we naturally accepted. A bit later, a tray of pfeffernuss cookies and stollen, followed by candy. And, for dessert, more candy. How happy were we?

On our way out the door, we passed this collection of hand-carved canes:

The next morning, we said Bis Bald to Angie, Georg, Maria, and their security guard, before heading back to the train station. 

1 comment:

  1. lots of snow here today , Sunday. Getting ready for bed Sunday night and it is zero in muskego.I see the grass is still green where you are at.
